Post 9


     The tone of my life is confidence. To me, confidence is a source of satisfaction. I believe that the more confident you are in yourself, the better off you are. I maintain my confidence while remaining humble about it. In a manner, I combined the humble and confident sides of my personality. Even if I am confident, I must have a humble attitude so that I never get ahead of myself. Being humble and confident also brings out the side of myself that is misunderstood. My friends and family wonder why I like to spend a lot of time alone and do activities on my own. Although I consider this to be a good quality, most others do not.  I believe that being self-reliant is a positive attribute to possess. Confidence helps me to accomplish anything I set my mind to, making me extremely high minded and confident in all I do. Confidence enables me to maintain a high level of self-esteem and hold my head high even when confronted with negative people. I utilize confidence in my daily life, especially now as the world around us is becoming increasingly negative. My self-assurance is growing stronger as I prepare for whatever the world has in store for me.


  1. This is great! Yeah, I could see the counter-view of people thinking doing a lot of activities by yourself as a bad thing- but everything is good in moderation! Great post, I think it is great you are confident.

  2. Having confidence as a tone is always a plus. If a person is not confident about themself, it can be hard for them to succeed at anything. Sometimes being misunderstood is a good thing because it will also help to build your confidence level up even higher. It is good that your self-assurance is growing stronger. The world has the best in store for you. Also, staying humble helps balance out the confidence level from being too extreme.

  3. Confidence is a great thing to have in your life. This was a very good post. I enjoyed reading it.

  4. Confidence is a tricky thing for me. In public sometimes I lack it, sometimes I pretend I have it. But the real thing that people need to have confidence in is not in public, but in private: confidence in themselves. Anyone can stand up and fake something to others, but you can’t live without being confident with who YOU really are inside.


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