Post 2: How Literature is relevant to my future.
After I graduate with a physical education degree my hope is to become a high school coach and high school teacher. Although I don't plan on teaching Literature it's always a possibility. Literature definitely has its benefits in anyone's future, as reading is the best exercise for the brain. I think that literature is relevant to my future in many ways. Literature can help someone to understand the world we live in and the people around us, different religions or races. Literature teaches students about life, different cultures and can help them better their writing skills. Hopefully I will be able to teach the younger generations things I've learned in this class.
I admire how you see literature is useful to you personally if you are not specifically trying to become a literature teacher. Probably one of my best pre-college literature educator was also a coach. I assume that they could make the best literature teachers as when in the coaching area, the can get eye opening experiences, completely opening up a new way of interrupting things after developing deep bonds with their students.